Risk Ledger

Risk Ledger


Defend As One – Preventing Cyber Attacks Via The Supply Chain

Risk Ledger was founded in 2018 by Haydn Brooks and Daniel Saul, with a mission to shift the way organisations approach cybersecurity and information management in the supply chain.

We are making an impact by changing the way organisations identify, measure and mitigate security risks for themselves, their clients and their suppliers. In doing so, we plan to reduce the number of global data breaches experienced by companies and consumers as a result of supply chain attacks.

We provide organisations, large and small, with the tools and knowledge they need to increase their security maturity. By offering the data and resources needed to efficiently measure and mitigate their levels of cyber risk, we enable organisations to truly understand the entirety of their security landscape.


Risk Ledger Securing Global Supply Chains

Centralise Your Supply Chain Management

Get rid of your spreadsheets, files and folders and use Risk Ledger to keep your supplier security data all in one place.

Stop managing external communications and email chains – work with different stakeholders and departments to keep your supplier discussions visible and transparent to everyone in your organisation.

Gain real time security data and automate re-assessments for your suppliers

Suppliers On The Risk Ledger Network

Suppliers on the Risk Ledger network: Did you know, most of our clients already have 10%-30% of their suppliers already using Risk Ledger? Contact us to see how many of your suppliers may already be using Risk Ledger.

One click connection requests. You can send connection requests to existing suppliers who have already completed an assessment. This is a quick and easy way to onboard new suppliers without having to start from scratch.

Start reviewing answers against policies. Once you have sent a connection request, you can review the supplier’s answers to the assessment questions against your company’s policies. This helps you to ensure that the supplier is meeting your security requirements.

Visualise, Identify, & Prioritise Risks

Using our network based model, you will have unrivalled access of being able to visualise risks in your supply chain for the first time. Draw up action plans and help make your supply chains more secure in the long run.

Visualise 4th/5th/6th party risk: You may be aware of your third parties but Risk Ledger can help you to visualise the risks posed by your 4th and 5th party suppliers by looking at the connections between your suppliers and customers. This can help you to identify and mitigate risks that you may not have been aware of otherwise.

Create a network map of your suppliers and identify concentration risk
This can help you to identify suppliers that are critical to your business and that may pose a higher risk of non-compliance. Use this to create action plans and discussions with your business to become more resilient.


Download datasheets, whitepapers, case studies and more below.

Endpoint Security & IOC's

 Using EnCase Endpoint Security to scan for Indicators of Compromise (IOCs), is a powerful way detect advanced persistent threats. Seamless integration with STIX and YARA make threat hunting more efficient and allows InfoSec teams to detect and effe…

EnCase + Splunk

 The combination of EnCase Endpoint Security and Splunk Enterprise delivers the most comprehensive visibility into network and endpoint threat information and provides powerful remediation capabilities.

EnCase Endpoint Security

 EnCase® Endpoint Security detects, validates and prioritizes unknown threats, assess the scope and impact of a compromise, and returns devices to a trusted state.

Travel Risk Program

 Guidance Software Professional Service Travel Risk Program provides an extra layer of CyberSecurity for business travelers. Our experts will integrate EnCase Endpoint Security to your company’s existing travel management system to routinely detect anomalies that may have occurred when executives are away from the security that their corporate networks provide.

Open-Source Toolkit

 EnCase Endpoint Security’s integrated open-source toolkit strengthens and centralizes the incident response process with a robust set of integrations to various open source applications, combining the leading forensics and endpoint response platform with powerful, freely available, tools.

Endpoint Security Guide

 Guidance Software, the global leader in forensic security, understands the problem of maintaining continuity between security tools. We believe the best security requires tools that “talk” to each other and work together to keep the network safe. Wit…

ThreatGRID Technology

 ThreatGRID securely crowdsources large volumes of malware and performs advanced analysis in the cloud, to identify key behavioural indicators enabling near real-time remediation.

Automate Incident Response

 With the proliferation of perimeter and network security solutions, your ArcSight SIEM platform is potentially receiving millions of events per day, which translates into an ever-growing number of alerts.


Download datasheets, whitepapers, case studies and more below.

SC Magazine: Preparing for GDPR

With the May 2018 deadline looming, the potential for unprecedented penalties and a broad regulatory scope have catapulted GDPR compliance to the top of many organizations’ priority lists. But, how are these organizations preparing for GDPR? SC Media…

GDPR Compliance: Preparing Your Organisation

Organisations that handle the personal data of EU citizens are already keenly aware of the EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and their need to comply with it. But what does a successful compliance strategy look like? This white paper…

Encase Risk Manager SC Analysis Brief

With the May 2018 deadline looming, the potential for unprecedented penalties and a broad regulatory scope have catapulted GDPR compliance to the top of many organisations’ priority lists. But, how are these organisations preparing for GDPR? SC Media…

5 Steps To Jumpstart Your IG Initiative Info Governance (IG)

 Information Governance (IG) is a broad topic and an emerging market with decision structures and authority figures being defined across organisations and industries. In this whitepaper, we will cover the apparent barriers to IG adoption and five steps…

Protecting Your Sensitive Data Beyond the Perimeter

Traditional Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solutions require significant resources, have functional shortcomings, and are highly complex. Misconceptions about its use all led to a decrease in popularity over the years, continuing to leave organizations …

Encase Risk Manager: The Next Step in EDRM

Five essential benefits of coordinated risk management and e-discovery to improve organisational processes, reduce costs, and shorten the e-discovery time frame.

Product Overview: EnCase Jump Start

Accelerate the deployment of your EnCase® software by purchasing a preconfigured, scalable EnCase Jump Start Server.

How to Tackle GDPR’s Most Stringent Requirements

 With GDPR’s May 25, 2018 enforcement deadline looming, is your organization prepared? In this whiteboard video, Guidance Software’s Anthony Di Bello introduces how Guidance Software can help with three of GDPR’s most onerous requirements: subject ac…


Download datasheets, whitepapers, case studies and more below.

Preparing for FRCP Changes with EnCase eDiscovery

Learn the specifics of the changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP), including the FRCP 26(b)(1) requirement for “proportional discovery” and FRCP 37€

Corporations Take Control of E-Discovery

Chris Dale, famed e-discovery expert and founder of the UK-based eDisclosure Information Project, joins Guidance Software in analyzing the results of the Guidance Software Second Annual E-Discovery Survey.

Simplify & Streamline In-house E-Discovery

 Case Study by Scott Van Nice, E-Discovery Manager, Procter & Gamble. The benefits of in-house e-discovery are becoming more obvious and compelling: efficiency, consistency, transparency, and cost savings, to name a few. On the other hand, there are risks and challenges.

Enabling Defensible Cloud ESI Collections That Aligns...

 Organizations are increasingly choosing to deploy enterprise file synchronization and sharing (EFSS) solutions or cloud repositories as a way of supporting mobile workers, responding to the demand for BYOD (bring your own device).

10 Best Practices for Reducing E-Discovery Risks and Costs

Certain proven best practices have evolved from corporate responses to the legal standards for discovery of electronically stored information (ESI). This paper presents those best practices and a summary of the overarching legal standards.

Saves Money by Bringing E-Discovery In-House

 ​The most highly respected and most often mentioned solution at industry trade shows was EnCase® eDiscovery, so Novelis purchased it, along with training passports for the Novelis e-discovery team repeatable in-house process.

At Liberty Mutual, E-Discovery is a Team Effort

Liberty Mutual is known for having a well-integrated in-house e-discovery process. We asked Sean McSweeney, Deputy General Counsel, and Glenn O’Brien, Electronic Discovery Manager, to discuss their process and approaches from the legal perspectives.

The 7 Best Practices of Highly Effective E-Discovery...

More than six years have passed since the initial Zubulake opinion addressing the preservation duties for ESI and more than three years since the changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure addressing e-discovery.

Risk Ledger


If you are interested in Risk Ledger products & solutions, or would like to find out more, please contact our Risk Ledger team

